At the end of the night, the moon often feels a deep sadness because he must leave the people. He believes that everyone enjoys his presence, captivated by his beauty and the best soft light he casts, brightening the darkness surrounding them. The moon feels appreciated, but once he sets, he becomes lonely, thinking of missing the people he illuminates every night.
Luckily, the moon has a best friend, the Star, who visits him nightly to chase away his sadness. The Star, knowing how much the moon struggles with these feelings, always tries to cheer him up. Each night, the Star comes up with new ways to bring joy to his friend, playing different roles in funny skits. On this particular night, the star dressed as an antique handmade clown doll, performing a comedic scene to make the moon laugh. Read more
The scene text will be printed and attached to the doll, enjoying reading the story text while considering the dolls.
The best friends are made of:
- Organic cotton.
- Organic color solution.
- Organic glue.
- Oil paint colors.
- Special materials.
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